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Relationship Episode 3



Ritha advises CYNTHIA to watch out for people who might want to take advantage of her using gifts. 


1. RITHA: Cynthia come closer; help me carry these boxes. 

2. CYNTHIA: Oh, what’s in there…it’s so heavy!  

3. RITHA: It’s the pots that I sell. Look for a place to put your phone so you don’t break it.      

4. CYNTHIA: No, it’s okay, I will hold it. 

5. RITHA: You won’t be comfortable lifting boxes like that. Look, put it on that chair. 

6. CYNTHIA: No, Ritha, I don’t want your employees to take it and start looking into my stuff. Last time, they read my messages. 

7. RITHA: So, is what I heard them say true? Is there a sugar daddy that you are going out with? 

8. CYNTHIA:(TRYING TO DITCH THE SUBJECT) Yeaaah, nooo. They lied to you. 

9. RITHA: Cynthia, tell me the truth. You know you are like a daughter to me.  

10. CYNTHIA: Well, the truth is we are not in love. It’s just that he buys me a few things that I need. 

11. RITHA: Like what? 

12. CYNTHIA: Like body lotion, clothes, shoes, some things that are trendy, you know. 

13. RITHA: And? What happens after?

14. CYNTHIA: Huh, what? Nothing happens.

15. RITHA: Uh? Doesn’t he ask you for anything? 

16. CYNTHIA: Well, you know, we just hang out and talk.

17. RITHA: Aw, no! Cynthia, that’s wrong. You hear me? 

18. CYNTHIA: I knew you were going to say that... I am not surprised. I need some trendy stuff and he gives me exactly that.

19. RITHA: Having trendy stuff won't improve your life now, will it?

20. CYNTHIA: You don’t know that.

21. RITHA: I do, actually. What do you think is gonna happen when he gets what he wants from you?? Plus, you have a boyfriend!


22. RITHA: He’ll just throw you away like a broken plate. Or, his wife will!

23. CYNTHIA: How come you seem to know a lot about it, anyway?

24. RITHA I’ve seen it happen before. If he’s a creep, he may even force himself on you, he can rape you. 

25. CYNTHIA: (UTTERS A SOUND OF SADNESS) I never thought of that...What should I do? I don’t have any other way to get stuff. 

26. RITHA: What does he have that you can’t get yourself if you wanted? You are capable. 

27. CYNTHIA: I don’t know…

28. RITHA: Yes, you can achieve whatever you set your mind to, if you work for it.

29. CYNTHIA:(SIGHS) Thanks, Ritha. It's hard to hear this, but you're being a good friend.

30. RITHA: It’s okay. And if you choose to keep seeing this man, just protect yourself, okay?

31. CYNTHIA: What do you mean?

32. RITHA: Use a condom, and make sure you're in a safe space with your phone near you so you can call for help if he gets aggressive. 

33. CYNTHIA: You've given me a lot to think about. Thanks.

Special thanks to Hannah Huber, Lotte Kallio and Sara Argyriadis with the Living Labs programme at the University of Groningen for their efforts to develop this website. 

The themes reported here are based upon preliminary analysis and should not be quoted or cited. For more information about this project, please contact:

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